Sad News- Mason

22 July 2023

We’re very sad to say that Mason passed away last night. 

The first time we met Mason was at the 2016 Post Pals party, and love this photo of him taken that day. Mason often made us laugh and will be remembered by Dawn for the lecture he gave his sisters at Chessington, “I have to go through so much each day, you can cope with that ride”!



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William received his new heart!

12 July 2023

14 years after he was first listed (he has been on and off the list, quite a rollercoaster of a journey), William finally received his new heart!

We thought these were the perfect balloons to celebrate his new heart! He would appreicate any post this summer while he has to be careful due to his anti rejection medication. You can find his infomration on his page here. He is a big Man City fan! 

William balloons balloons cards

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