Party sponsorship and volunteer request – Updated
Every year we hold an annual party for our families and volunteers to come together, have fun, create special memories and be surrounded by people who understand.
It is the most expensive thing we do and in the past some people were kind enough to sponsor parts of the party to make it possible. For this reason I have done a break down. If anyone could help contribute towards or sponsor anything it would be very much appreciated. If your company sponsors something we can post a link to your site on our page. We also are in need of volunteers to help on the day with various things. The party is on the 27th of June and held in Surrey.
Donations can be made by via the party Justgiving page or by cheque addressed to Post Pals and sent to Post Pals, PO Box 278, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT23 4WN. Our PayPal is We also have an Amazon wish list with low cost items on.
“The children are relaxed seeing other children like them at the party and feel they can be themselves without being judged . They are treated as very special guests and have such a warm welcome. It’s nice to chat to other parents who are also carers too and we’ve made some wonderful friends there.” Mum to Pals Courtenay and Tyanna
The list:
Hall hire £100– Sponsored by Smithbrook Tuition- Ben the Animal man £350 (this is the discount price and Ben is part of a non profit group). Ben brings a huge range of animals.

- Buffet for 100 people £500
- Children’s entertainer £165

- Drinks, snacks, bits and bobs £200
- Face painter £160

Big ball pool £60– Sponsored by Millie and Fly Border Collies

- Giant slide £350 (always a HUGE hit)

Animal airwalker balloons £80. Last year these were hugely popular and this year we would like to have a ‘zoo’ of them and for every child to be able to take one home.Sponsored by Sarah-Jayne.

Jungle bouncy castle – Sponsored by Jennifer- Large canister of helium £85
- £100 for travel and hotel costs for a family living less than 100 miles away (any contribution towards is helpful)
- £200 for travel and hotel costs for a family living more than 100 miles away (any contribution towards is helpful)
- Photographer to capture the special moments throughout the day
- Video – we would love some video clips of the fun
Cupcakes – would love 50 cupcakes- Hair – looking for volunteers who are good with hair to put the children’s hair in to pretty or funny styles, add clips, spray in glitter etc (we can provide the clips and spray)
Nail painters to come along and paint nails (we don’t have any nail polish ourselves)- Sitting/over clothes massage volunteer to pamper the parents of seriously ill children
- Help setting everything up from 10am
- Help during the party with various tasks i.e. serving drinks, helping the children, blowing up balloons etc
- Help packing things away and cleaning up from 5.30pm
Driving – someone with a van or large car to help transport everything either the night before or at 9am on the day. The journey between locations is less than 5 minutes.- Driving – help needed to pick up families from the train station from 12 onwards and to return them any time between 5 and 7 (some families have to rush home for medical reasons and can’t stay until the end of the party). If you have children’s car seats it would be a bonus but any help is appreciated. Please let us know if you have boot space for a wheelchair or equipment.
- Driving – we have a family in London who are unable to use public transport due to health reasons, they would like to attend but don’t have a car. Would anyone be willing to collect them in London and bring them to the party in Surrey and then return them home (you’re welcome to stay during the party). We can help with petrol costs.
- Male gymnast or Parkourist to play Spider-Man
- Balloon twister/balloon modeller
Other things
- Does anyone work or have contacts for rail companies? We have a family of 4 in Wales with a seriously ill child who would like to come but can’t drive. The tickets are out of our budget- Someone has put in a charity request with a rail company
We would love to do an ice cream sundae bar or have an ice cream van visit. The cheapest hire of an ice cream machine we were quoted was £350 which is something we can’t afford. Does anyone know someone who owns a soft serve/Mr Whippy style machine they could lend us?
If you would like to volunteer please email Vikki on
“The Post Pals party is the party to end all parties! It’s a children’s paradise full of fun and laughter and everything a child dreams of. My girls eyes lit up as they walked in with every sweet delight you could think of and all of it is unlimited. The entertainment that was perfect from the magical face painting, balloons, bouncy castles, Mickey and Minnie, but most of all was that all the children came together to play and have fun together. For one day they left all their troubles at the door and just were allowed to be children. Post Pals is a unique and amazing charity that puts so many smiles on the faces of so many sick children.” Mum to Pal Holly S