Post Pals the charity where donations are spent of those it helps!
There has been a lot of talk in the media recently about how charities use funding, so we thought we would share exactly how donations to Post Pals are spent.
Post Pals is run only by volunteers in their own homes; no paid staff, no office, and no CEO receiving a big pay cheque.
Our only funding is from people who kindly donate to Post Pals or hold fundraisers for us. We have in the past had 2 grants but these ran out and we now run solely on donations. When people donate we spend the money on the children we help. We are grateful for every donation and do not ask for more, we don’t ask you to sign up for a monthly donation or give bank account details and nor do we send you gifts in the hope of receiving a donation in return.
In the past year Post Pals only outgoings ,that weren’t directly for the children, were for our PO Box address, our storage unit (so we can buy items in bulk to save money and also store things to reuse at our annual party) and maintaining/hosting our website.
Sometimes Post Pals can even tell donors exactly what their money was spent on. Recently we used donations from Elbi to send big boxes of popcorn and candy to 40 families, and we are looking to spend money raised by Charlie (brother of moved on Pal Chloe G) on a special project in January. If a company or individual would like to donate a larger amount then our Extra Smiles Team can work with them on sponsoring a project. Normally all donations go into the main fund which is used to send post.
In the past month Post Pals has:
Sent boxes of candy to 40 families.

Sent balloons to Pals in need of TLC. Aiden loved his superhero balloons so much he even took them to bed with him!
Purchased 15 toy advent calendars for £3 each via a charity site (they sell for £33 on eBay) and 10 nail sets for £1 each (£10 on Amazon).
Sent 120 Dottie letters (90p each) and replaced a cuddly Dottie that got lost in hospital.

Funded the sending of 50 handmade dinosaur cards and 40 cards with little gifts in.