30 April 2009
We are having a party in July. We held our first last year and it was a fantastic success. Some businesses were very generous which enabled us to do it, but in the current economical climate we know this year will be different.
There is a ray of light though. The Surrey Mirror, Leathehead & Dorking Ad, and Croydon Ad are running “Heart of the community”. We are up against 77 projects to win 12 lots of funding. If we get enough votes we will win £500 to put the party on (any left over will be used to send post to the kids who are unable to make it).
This is where YOU come in! We need as many votes as possible please. There are voting slips in the paper (last week, this week and next week), but you can also text your vote – which we are relying on!
Please please help by texting your vote! Texts cost 50p plus standard network charge, just text:
Su heart 046 to 65100
You can vote as many times as you like.
Please pass this around, on to friends, family, email address books, twitter, blogger, Facebook. We have a Facebook appeals page too, please pass it on, the link is http://apps.facebook.com/causes/277929
Thank you!
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25 April 2009
Hello, we have lots of leaflets in storage, I’m not sure how many are in each box but there is quite a lot. We are looking for people to take a box and distribute them. If you would like a box please could you send me your full name and address and they will be sent out to you this week.
Please check back on Wednesday as I will posting details on how to vote for Post Pals to win £500!
I will sign off with a picture of Alan and his lovely quilt (we are slowly working through our Pals so all children will receive a quilt to snuggle up under).

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08 April 2009
Breaking news! Post Pals is proud to have volunteers of all ages – our youngest volunteers have been toddlers who draw pictures, and our oldest around 90. That was until this week…
The residents of Leonard Perkins House had a busy session making finger puppets for the children, and the oldest even joined in, at the very grand age of 106!!!
Thank you to everyone at Leonard Perkins House for making the Pals smile!
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07 April 2009
Hello, a couple of months ago I posted an appeal asking if anyone would help sponsor a project and I was blown away by your response. Thank you to everyone who helped. I will be posting another appeal soon but here is an update. I have sent Thank You’s to everyone, but words can not say how much comfort receiving something in the post can bring when life is very difficult.
Thank you to the Lewis Jeynes Fund, and a lady who would like to stay anonymous, for covering the majority of the “Magic growing eggs”. We were able to cover the rest of the costs thanks to previous donations/fundraising. They have now all been ordered and some have started to arrive – I hear Alan is most eager to start growing his!
Pal Aisha and her sister Rosa both donated a months pocket money which we were very touched by, and Anna Mae nominated us to Elizabeth House at her school and they raised £90 for us. The sweet/toy cone is going to be sent out next month.
Pals Milly and Alice’s Mum kindly donated the full amount to purchase card sets. We ended up ordering a mix of Flower Fairy and Beatrix Potter ones, so the Pals who like to reply to post or send cards to others could do so.
Sarah Gilligan sponsored the whole word search mug project (with money left over for the eggs). Pal Jon Paul said:
Thanks for my wordsearch mug, i’m having great joy doing the puzzles. Some of them are hard and some easy but i’m enjoying them. They are a good gift and i truly appreciate all that you do for me and all the other children who are suffering from illness.
Cuddles the Bear was sponsored by the lady who would like to stay anonymous. They were a big hit and here are pictures of Dylan and Seren with theirs;

Thank you to everyone who has helped sponsor a project or spread the word around for us!
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