Fun at Chessington
Jul 29, 2013
Volunteer Jill worked really hard trying to get tickets donated so our families could go to Chessington World of Adventures on the Sunday following the party. Sadly, the tickets weren’t donated and we had to cancel the trip. However, due to the generosity of strangers the trip was still able to go ahead all thanks to the hard work of Kaye Wilkinson. Kaye worked tirelessly at the last minute and together with Karen they they somehow managed to get all the ticket money donated. That is some mean feat. Without their efforts, not all families who wanted to go would have been able to attend, so thank you Kaye and Karen. One couple were so generous they actually donated the price of two full tickets.
It was the hottest day of the year so we were all sun creamed, hatted up and ready for a day of fun. Unfortunately due to a mix up of times the group got split up on the day as some families had to leave earlier than others.
Nicole`s family having fun as you can see Dad Alan was enjoying himself!

The younger children especially had a great time on the overhead train ride that took you around the zoo and Daniel still had his new binoculars (won on the raffle at the party) round his neck ready to spot all the animals.

A fun day out was had by all. My (Karen) personal favourite being the Sea Life centre, which had real live sea horses ( I love Sea Horses!)

A huge thank you to all those who kindly donated towards the trip, it would not of been possible without your generosity.
Will end with a lovely photo of Finleys family enjoying the day out.