October’s Extra Smiles Project

Dec 8, 2016 by: extra smiles

The Extra Smiles Team were very busy in October ordering lots of fairy lights as part of October’s Extra Smiles Project. We thought with the dark nights fast approaching that our pals would enjoy having some fairy lights delivered to their doorstep to make them smile. We sent out a variety of different lights according to what suited each pals individual interests. Some of the themes of the lights which we sent out included: animals, flowers, stars and moons, minions and space! I have to say we were overwhelmed and inundated with pictures of our pals with their fairy lights. This project really went down a storm and created ‘Extra Smiles’ all round! A very special ‘Thank You’ to everyone who has kindly donated to Post Pals. With your help, extra smiles projects like this become a reality for our pals and help them through adversity. Please take the time to enjoy the pictures below to see for yourself the smiles that this project helped to create.

#postpals #smallcharity #extrasmiles #sendingsmilesacrossthemiles #cheeruppost #makeadifference #volunteering

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