Help Post Pals with Dottie Christmas cards and Calendars plus used postage stamps

Nov 21, 2014

If you have read any of the Pals pages then you are bound to have seen lots of mentions of our special volunteer Dottie.
Dottie is a cuddly Dalmatian who writes to the children. Her letters are packed with photos of her adventures and all the children receive their own cuddly ‘littermate’ to have adventures with. It’s our most popular but also most expensive scheme.

This year Dottie is selling Christmas cards and 2015 calendars featuring her adventures and some of the children. Please consider ordering some cards or a calendar. Every single penny raised will be spent on sending more stories of adventures to Post Pal children and buying ‘littermates’ for all the children who join Post Pals next year.

They are being sold on Dottie’s site

Post Pals also fundraises with used stamps (so far Kim has raised over £500 this year with them) so please save your stamps when your Christmas cards start arriving. They can be sent to KimBows, 9 Leicester Street, Bedworth, Warwickshire, CV12 9NQ

Thank you!